We’re Back!

After a few sad months when our website was lost in the murky depths of cyberspace, we are finally back from the ether! As soon as normal internet speed resumes, which will be after the 23rd of this month; updates will be made, Bad Girl’s photos added and we are looking at setting up a way to organize downloads for those peskily large music files. Stay tuned folks 🙂


Notice of AGM


The AGM of the Devonport Choral Society will be held on Monday 19th September at 7pm, at the offices of the Australian Education Union, Steele Street, Devonport (across from KMart).  All members are invited to attend.  This meeting will be followed by a regular committee meeting.

If you are interested in becoming a DCS Committee Member and would like more information, please let Maree know.



The Rough Guide to Urinetown!

If you are thinking about auditioning for Urinetown – the Musical then have we got the guide for you! Documents can be dowloaded for your reading pleasure. You will however, need Adobe Reader to read them.

Urinetown – Character outline

Urinetown 2011 Overview for Cast

Don’t forget, the information night is Friday 12th November at the Uniting Church Hall, Steele St Devonport at 7.30 pm. look forward to seeing you there 😉