A Review by Angela Flemming

An enthusiastic audience, bubbling with somewhat wicked anticipation, greeted the Cast of the Devonport Choral Society’s long awaited production of ‘The Full Monty’ on Opening Night.They were not disappointed.

A large, talented cast, directed by the very experienced  Sid Sidebottom, and supported by a wonderful orchestra and dedicated crew, entertained the large audience with this quirky, humorous,  poignant and unpredictable story, of a mixed group of working men needing to make a living, in any way possible, in hard times. Their solution was unusual, challenging (for their families, and friendships), and both moving and hilarious. And, best of all, a huge success, on many levels.

Very strong acting and singing talent was on display throughout  the Production, which included very experienced  performers, plus some impressive younger cast members who will surely have a great future in live theatre.

The Season continues until June 1st at the Town Hall Theatre. Book your tickets now so that you can support local talent, and enjoy a very entertaining, if somewhat naughty, night out!Congratulations to all. Go Team!

Campbell Mayberry, Logan James, Mason Waller, Billy Hawkins, Derrick McPhie and David Lee in The Full Monty finale

Photo by Tina Smith

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