A big thank you to the Choral Clean Up Crew who braved the nasty weather today – Maree, Jenny, Emil, Jane, Jane, Paul, Rod, Garry, Jake, JLA, Grainne and all the various offspring! We really appreciate your support.
Site Update
The site has undergone a much needed makeover. Several new pages have been added updating some of our more recent show; photos have been magically imported from Facebook Albums and we have a lovely new header featuring those gorgeous Bad Girls!
ROC members, there is a new page just for you where you will be able to access your rehearsal files. Message from Petrina – Please use them!!!!
And last of all, a little choral joke.
How many Musical Directors does it take to change a light bulb?
Nobody knows, because no one was watching!
Official Cast Announcement – Bad Girls – Australian Premiere!
Announcing Australia’s BADDEST Girls (and a few slightly naughty boys!)
Alison Jarman as Helen Stewart
Katy Pakinga as Nikki Wade
Denise Sam as Yvonne Atkins
Sally Jupp as Shell Dockley
Danielle Harris as Denny Blood
Carolyn Harris as Julie Saunders
Elizabeth Viney as Julie Johnstone
Holly Johnstone as Crystal Gordon
Maree Brodzinski as Sylvia Hollamby
Elizabeth Sly as Rachel Hicks
Lynda Derrico as Noreen Biggs
Dimity Campbell as Tracey Butler
Sarah Foster as Tina (Spike) Malley
Jenny Slater as Natalie Tongs
Xia Xia Jiang as Jenny Tue
Lucy Foote as Penny Reid
Georgina Harvey as Kat Cooley
Jane Foote as Teresa Pyke
David Lee as Principal Officer Jim Fenner
Alastair Yeates as Junior Officer Justin Mattison
John Lee-Archer as The Governor
Jake Jacobson as Officer Dale Sims
Garry Heazlewood as Officer Robert Drake
Tom Harvey as Junior Officer Ryan
Congratulations girls and fellas! You will be an outstanding cast for the Australian Premiere of BAD GIRLS – The Musical!
Social Outing – Oliver!
If you are interested in sharing a social outing to see the Launceston Musical Society’s production of Oliver!, please let Maree know as soon as possible.
Date: Saturday 24th September
Time: This will be the matinee show (1.30pm). We will leave Devonport between 11.30 – 11.50am (exact time TBA)
Cost: $40. This will cover your ticket + travel (thank you to Paul and Smith’s Travel)
Payment: Payment to be made by Friday 16th September. Contact Maree for details.
Family and friends are welcome to come along.
Right On Cue – Choir News
Please note some possible changes in our rehearsal schedule in the coming months. As we are working towards our end of year performances, your commitment is important. If you are unable to attend a rehearsal, for whatever reason, please contact Petrina (0417 509 695) and/or Maree (0408 079 805) as soon as possible. If you are not available for any of these performance dates, please advise Petrina at our next rehearsal.
- No rehearsals on 8th & 15th September.
- Every Thursday night from 22 September, 7.30 – 9.30pm.
- We may have to change rehearsals to a Wednesday around Blood Brothers time as Erin and Petrina are involved, and John is overseas.
- Possible extra rehearsal Saturday 19th November.
- Rehearsal Wednesday 14th December instead of Thursday 15th December as Thursday is the night before Petrina leaves for the UK.
- Christmas Party Thursday 8th December at Petrina’s.
- Saturday 26th November – ROC & Devonport Choral Society 60th Anniversary Concert – DECC (sound check before – afternoon or early evening?
- Sunday 27th November – Empty Stocking Appeal Concert with Vox Harmony – Country Club Casino
- Sunday 18th December – Ulverstone Carols by Candlelight
The songs to have ready are the following:
- Heal the World
- Lean on Me
- Send in the Clowns
- Songbird (Ladies)
- Sweet Caroline (Men)
- Les Miserables Medley
- James Bond Theme
- Don’t Let the Sun Go Down On Me
- O Holy Night
- We Need a Little Christmas
Stepping Out
This is a plug for Devenport Rep’s production of Stepping Out, which features many current and past members of the Devonport Choral Society. Tickets are on sale NOW at Decor by Design in Rook St Mall. Venue is the DECC – Fri 17th, Sat 18th and Friday 24th, Sat 25th Sept. Also there are matinees shows on Sunday 19th and Saturday 25th. Tickets are $25 for adults and $20 Concession. please note – shows start at 7.30pm and there is NO allocated seating!
PH 64245777 for bookings or drop in at Decor by Design.
Guess what folks – it’s that time of year again. Time for you to really get involved in YOUR local musical theatre society. Our AGM will be held on Monday night, 7th Sept at the Australian Education Union offices in Best St, Devonport, starting at 7.00pm. We’ll present our annual reports, vote in an exciting and invigorated HUGE committee (hint hint) and then officially announce all our wonderful plans for 2010. Be there or be totally square! We’d really love to see you.
Sweeney Todd – On sale now
Tickets for Sweeney Todd (a musical thriller!) are on sale now at the DECC in Devonport.
You can ring 6420 2900 or visit the DECC website to book.
Tickets are a very reasonable $28 or $25 concession.

Call for Directors – 2009
Devonport Choral Society Inc would like to invite expressions of interest to direct their major production in May 2009 and for a secondary show in October 2009. Potential candidates must complete a proposal outline which can be obtained from the Secretary. Proposals for the major (May) production will be accepted until Friday 25th April 2008. Proposals for the second (October) production will be accepted until Friday 28th November 2008. For more information or to submit an expression of interest please contact the Secretary, PO Box 397, Devonport, Tasmania 7310 or email: Maree
Information night – The King and I
Information evening – Friday 23rd November @ 7pm, Uniting Church hall, Steele Street
Auditions – Friday 30th November, Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd December
For bookings and information call 0408 079805
Director – Lindy Hingston
Musical Director – Dominique Baker
Vocal Director – Elizabeth Sandman
Choreographer – Caroline Small